CHOPPER IPA – Gluten Reduced!

CHOPPER IPA – Gluten Reduced!

We are proud to release the Lab’s first “Gluten reduced” beer, Chopper IPA.  Laboratory tests show that the beer has less than 10 parts per million(ppm) which is less than the FDA’s 20 ppm tolerance for gluten free food.  But, we cannot call it, “gluten free” because the feds in charge of alcohol won’t let us.  How’d we do it?  We add an enzyme during the fermentation process, isolating the gluten protein and “chops” it into bits.  We then filter out those bits prior to conditioning so they don’t end up in your pint glass.  This IPA is based upon our existing Triple Treat IPA.

It is a common myth that gluten intolerant people cannot tolerate any level of gluten.  According to, “researchers agree that most people with celiac disease can safely tolerate up to 20 ppm of gluten.”

So, come on in and give it a try.  Regardless of the gluten level, we think it’s a great beer.

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